Cardiff - Cardiff Bicycle Ground
Newport Road Lane : CF24 0JT
In March 1879, Cardiff Bicycle Ground took out a short term lease on a piece of land near Newport Road for a bicycle racing track. The lease was signed by a Mr Hutchins of the Cardiff Bicycle Club (who is believed to be Captain W Horton Hutchins) in March 1879 and the first competitive event for both cycling and foot races took place on Easter Monday 1879. Competitions continued to take place at the ground until March 1880 when the lease expired.

On 26th July 1879, it is believed that David Stanton, the English penny farthing cycling champion, broke the world 50 mile record by covering the distance in two hours 59 minutes.

By September of 1880 Cardiff Bicycle Club were holding competitions at Alexandra Park and by 1891 cycle races were taking place on the new track at Cardiff Athletic Ground (Harlequins).

After Cardiff Bicycle Club left the Bicycle Ground was developed and in 1883, Cardiff Royal Hospital was built.

With thanks to Richard Forrest of the Roath Local History Society who provided this information.

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